Wednesday, January 26, 2011

IF_Dusty: pollen dust

OK, this might be stretching it, but I wanted to paint from life again and I had these flowers with the pollen scattering on the petals.Dusty pollen.

As usual I had a few frustrating moments.. the tonalities of the petals the reflections and the high lights and as usual, it needs more work......more contrast I think and so I may pick up the argument again and

I have to say that there was a moment two where I felt in tune with the moment/process and I caught a glimpse of how this painting thing works.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

IF:Chicken eggs

What came first the chicken or the egg? Well science has finally come up with the answer and it is the chicken...but you know those chickens have to come from somewhere.

I posted this picture last night and thought it was "blah". It was a bit of struggle painting. The darks and lights of the the linen were  elusive.  I am really glad that I posted it though. It does help to look at it with fresh eyes the day after and I really appreciate the nice comments!

Monday, January 17, 2011

pawn ending

A symmetrical end game..The pawns can't move and so whoever is up needs to move a king and will lose the game.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Vincents mate

The only way for black to get out of check is with a queen sacrifice, however whites takes the queen and it is mate. The palette was inspired by a van Gogh print.

Monday, January 3, 2011

IF: resolutions / happy skull

Something different this week. A skull, painted for a friend who collects day of the dead items. I am not too thrilled with it right now however...but then I have been looking at it all day perhaps tomorrow I will feel differently.

Before making a resolution some reflection is necessary.
The honest appraisal of the of the past requires an acceptance of human imperfection and frailty.