Tuesday, April 19, 2011

IF: journey

Another scenario with my son as subject. This time he is on his way to New York with his trumpet. Some wishful thinking on my part.


  1. waiting for a train... cool illustration :)

  2. You're becoming so speedy Alice - I missed your last post! (Soon we'll be calling you Rick 2). Both are very nice. I especially like the feeling of movement in this piece. The yellow line and the train tracks combined with the soft focused train and background really make this piece feel lively, and the eager anticipation is expressed nicely within James.

  3. Nice job...I can just feel your affection for him in this piece.

  4. There's a nice contrast from one half to the other; the right James/trumpet side is clattery and convoluted, and the train side is open and relaxed. No wonder he going from here to there!
    Nice decisions.

